Firebug - "Red White and Blue"

TheFreshFinds TheFreshFinds · پہلے 8 مہینے · 464 مناظر
The rock duo want to send the message that love is better than hate.
Firebug - "Red White and Blue"

On "Red, White and Blue," Joshua Tree-based rock duo Firebug plea with the United States to
give peace a chance. America’s current climate is vastly different from when John Lennon popularized the phrase in 1969, but his mission still rings true for singer Juliette Tworsey and guitarist Jules Shapiro. They want to bridge the gaps that divide us, and fantasize about a version of the U.S. filled with hope — where “the American dream is still attainable for us all.”

The slow-burn track fuses bits of neo-soul and progressive rock, creating a dim yet introspective
soundscape. Tworsey paints a picture of the isolation and fear that comes with speaking out for what is right in the midst of all the wrong. “Staring out into the unknown / You take the path that no one goes,” she drawls, her voice steady and powerful. The long, winding deserts in Joshua Tree that inspire Firebug’s presence as musicians shine through the track, inspiring this metaphor of America's current landscape as a vast, unresolved field.

All in all, "Red, White and Blue" pays small odes to American genres through classic rock keys, electric guitar and even a marching band drumline. Their message comes from a perspective of honor and accountability — loving where they reside yet knowing that more could be done. The lyrics are a broad call to action, inspiring listeners to “plant the seed until it grows” in the gardens they want to see blossom — whatever they might be.

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